Tuesday, May 25, 2010


so, we are finally open!! check out our store at http://www.nutsforboltsetc.com/. after much planning, paperwork, purchasing, more planning, more paperwork, and a crash course in web design, we are now open for business!! we hope that you like our fabric and the unique childrens' wares that we have for sale.

we will be using this blog as a way to stay in touch with our customers - to let you know when we get new fabric and make new baby stuff. we are also planning on attending some local farmers' markets this summer. keep checking back to find out when and where!

we really are excited to be starting our store! feel free to let us know what you think!! either comment here or email us at nutsforboltsetc@yahoo.ca. we are new at this whole business and website thing and would love to hear feedback! let us know what fabric you like, what childrens' wares are great, and what you think of the website.

we appreciate your interest in our fabric

ta ta for now!

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